The Untethered Soul the Journey Beyond Yourself Review

Not but is Michael Singer's bookThe Untethered Soul: The Journeying Across Yourself (New Straw Publications, 2007) a lovely add-on to any truth-seeking yogi'southward shelf, but information technology's also a book that truly stands out. I call it my magical petty book of truth bombs.

Y'all may take heard nigh this book. It exploded onto the scene a few years ago following writer Michael Singer'due south advent on Oprah's "Super Soul Dominicus" bear witness. If you accept already read this book, yous know why I'grand gushing. If you haven't read this book withal, read information technology.

The Untethered Soulis the kind of book I find myself repeatedly re-reading, giving away, and re-purchasing. Equally a life-long seeker, reader, and yogi, I hold this book up amidst similar titles and say, "Start here!"

As the championship suggests, the volume takes you on a journey to untie yourself from the illusion of the ego mind.

If you lot're familiar with yogic philosophy, this is not a new concept. It'south all about freeing yourself from your thoughts.

What makes Singer'due south process so brilliant is that he has stripped the philosophy down to its truthful cadre, however he doesn't oversimplify. He offers the truth clearly, powerfully, and without unnecessary adornment.

Vocaliser is careful not to pigeonhole his process into a particular religious framework, and instead weaves the doctrines of many religions and philosophies in a way that draws their wisdom together in unison. This does not, even so, hateful that Singer strips spirituality out of the procedure. Rather, he moves directly into the near direct perception of your true self—straight into the center of spirituality.

I purchased Singer's volume from Amazon after it appeared as a suggested title. I didn't recognize the author's name or the title at the time. At startThe Untetherd Soul became just another book in a growing stack from which I sought answers to the burning questions in my life. Although I had dabbled in yoga and read volume after volume, something wasn't clicking. I was yet reaching for a deeper understanding.

The moment came somewhere in Chapter 3, "Who Are You?" I was reading on my couch like whatever other evening, and out of nowhere, it clicked.

I felt my self-awareness sink back and rip itself from the tangles of my mind.

I slowly looked around my quiet apartment. My eyes barbarous back onto the little unassuming book and I felt the power of the knowledge information technology independent. I became the observer. My listen—or ego self—was divide from my truthful cocky for the offset time in my life. Nothing was ever the aforementioned after that moment.

Whoooaa. Intense. OK, let'southward relax.

Am I proverb that you volition read this book and your soul volition rocket blast itself out of illusion and your life volition never be the same? No, not necessarily. Simply I do know that this book is powerful and written with the intention of aiding understanding.

Yet, with all that intensity, Vocaliser will nevertheless make you laugh. He is witty and lite-hearted throughout the unabridged book. I valued this arroyo. The piece of work of the soul tin can seem like a struggle sometimes, but it's really near welcoming the joy of love into your being and living in the moment. And that'southward the goal, afterward all. Enjoy the beautiful ride.

"What does it feel like to identify more with Spirit than with form? You used to walk around feeling anxiety and tension; now you walk around feeling beloved. You just feel love for no reason. Your backdrop is love. Your backdrop is openness, beauty, and appreciation. You don't make yourself feel that mode; that is how Spirit feels … You don't claim to understand what is happening to you; you lot simply know that as you go further and farther back, it gets more and more beautiful." – Michael Vocalist, The Untethered Soul

Nicole-HarrisOuter truth-seeking journalist turned inner truth-seeking yogi, Nicole Harris now writes freelance and teaches yoga. Her practice on the mat began in Minnesota in 2011 and eventually led her to didactics in Florida. Her truthful passion is to cultivate awareness and alive from that honest, real infinite as much as possible. She finds her quickest ways to go there are through nature, adventure, and travel. The deepest way is through a meditative yoga practice.


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