9 Unconventional Tips to Get Popular With Guys & Girls

Take you ever met someone and liked him/ her correct away? Exercise yous know one person who's extremely popular?

Yes? Then my question to you is: Where do you encounter yourself on a popularity scale from i to 10?

Be honest. Are you a four? Are you a five?

No thing what your answer is, the goal of this article is to plow your popularity status to a 12.

Today you learn:

  • 9 Tips how to become popular
  • How to become expert friends you've e'er wanted
  • Why you're a lazy bastard
  • What I learned near popularity from homosexuals, punks and goths.
  • How to become popular: Why you'll never get popular every bit long as people like you lot
  • And much more tips on how to be liked and fifty-fifty loved for who you are…

By the way, take y'all seen my gratis Transformation Kit?

Y'all'll get my best stuff absolutely free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my v best texting tips (including re-create-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.

Popularity is a skill

Just like success with women, popularity is learnable. I am an example of that.

When I tell people today that when I was younger, I had issues making friends and meeting girls, almost no one believes me.

I don't believe information technology myself, to be honest.

I can't identify with by-Dan. It's like a afar nightmare now.

Only it took me a lot of fourth dimension and energy to go to this point.

If I had gotten the vii tips I requite you today back then, I could accept at least halved this time and double the results.

Tip #1: Rock solid conviction

Before you can reach annihilation, you lot must first believe.

The problem is that many people don't do that. They recollect it's difficult to socialize and make new friends.

One method that I 'borrowed' from Tim Ferriss and translated to seducing and go popular with women is to ask yourself a very specific question:

"How would it look if it was easy?"

Take a infinitesimal to visualize this:

You enter a order with your chest raised and a confident grin on your face up. You give a coincidental compliment to the first two people you come across and and so walk towards the hottest woman in the club with astonishing determination. Y'all grin at her, hug her, elevator her up and say:

"I don't call up we've met yet."

This is what it would wait like if it were childishly simple to get to know new people.

But now comes the crucial step… because now yous accept to act like information technology'south easy.

At the commencement it volition seem like a bit of a play, but with time it will become natural for you.

And y'all volition discover that although it isn't always that like shooting fish in a barrel, it often is.

>> 5 Conversation Topics for Stress-Gratis Dates.

Tip #2: What you can do almost shyness

Time for real talk.

I'm not an extroverted party monster. On the contrary. In fact, I prefer to spend my time alone.

I write, read, do sports and perhaps spotter a serial every at present and and so when I accept some time left.

And I'm going out, of course. A lot.

Mostly alone or with a buddy. So, I don't know the bouncer or the bartender.

So, when I hear that you absolutely have to be the most social person on earth to be able to have a honey life like a rock star, I simply say:

Sure, information technology helps, simply it's non similar women leap on y'all just because you have a large circle of friends.

In fact, I find it fifty-fifty more sensible to have rather few but extremely good friends.

I hear you ask:

"Only, Dan, why is information technology that shy men usually end upwardly empty-handed?"

Well, the problem isn't that they're shy, but that they're misjudged.

It's perfectly okay to be shy. But it'southward not okay not knowing how you appear to others.

A lack of social intelligence is unacceptable. You should ever exist aware of your current result on other people.


Because they usually don't give a damn about your true feelings. It doesn't matter if you're alone considering you lot're shy or considering you lot're a disrespected person … the end issue is the aforementioned.

And most people only run across this result.

They see you standing at the bar counter with your shoulders drawn upwards, property a beer in front of your chest and looking to the ground.

They can't help merely think:

  • 'Is he deadening?'
  • 'Does he prefer beingness alone because he hates people?'
  • 'Maybe he'south arrogant and doesn't feel the need to interact with other people.'

Fact is, they can't look within your head.

So how the hell can you avoid it?

Right, by adopting an inviting posture.

  1. Smile: People will so assume that yous're having a nice evening, even if you lot're alone.
  2. Make eye contact: Information technology signalizes that you're confident and open to conversation.
  3. Make yourself big: Only Gollum, the monster from 'Alien' or the Grinch await kind of cool with their bent backs and lowered heads. Just when humans prefer such a posture, they're shunned.

>>Listing of Facial Expression (With Examples) + The 5 Looks Women Find Well-nigh Attractive.

Tip #three: Act like you already know each other

I witnessed the earth'due south worst pickup line ever…

A boozer, blood-red-cheeked country bumpkin taps a sexily dressed woman on the shoulder and says, 'We know each other!'

"No, I don't know y'all."

"Yes, yeah. I merely tin can't recall where we met."

"I don't believe you lot…"

"You should. We met sometime somewhere."

"How many times should I tell you? I certainly don't know you!"

"You just forgot…"

It was so painful to scout, that I virtually wanted to offer the subcontract male child coaching.

Extremely creepy.

So by the tip 'act as if you lot already know each other', I certainly don't hateful THAT.

Instead, the talk is of an effective hack to brand new friends with ease:

Care for someone like a proficient friend and he volition become ane.

I came across this hack by blow.

One evening I saw an quondam classmate on the dance floor in a club. I couldn't believe my optics, considering I hadn't seen him for 5 years and nosotros had some pretty crazy times together back then.

I went upwardly to him, gave him a big hug and said, 'Hey, bro! What's up?'

He was obviously happy to see me.

'Come on, I'll buy you lot a beer,' I added and went to the bar.

In the light of the counter I finally realized that it wasn't my buddy at all, only only someone who looks damn similar to him.

In hindsight, I'm not embarrassed at all, because today I count this new associate among my friends.

Sure, he wondered why I hugged him out of the blueish and bought him a beer, merely he couldn't help just like me in return.

>> 22 Examples of How to Keep a Conversation Going With a Girl

Tip #4: No bullshit

On the one manus, in that location is the type of person who has a positive attitude to life. He's happy.

On the other hand, at that place is the type that is negative throughout. He complains nigh everything and everyone. Zilch and nobody is enough.

Which of these ii guys exercise you lot remember is more popular?

Correct, the first one. I personally trunk-swerve the second one.

It's of import that y'all railroad train the power to stay positive.


Through workout.

The awesome thing is, that you tin imitation positivity. In time, yous status your encephalon anyway, even if you don't believe in it yourself at first.

That includes making y'all aware of it when yous whine or complain.

If you desire to exist popular, bullshit'due south illegal. It should be forbidden anyway, life is just nicer without complaining.

One method is to pinch yourself every time y'all catch a negative thought.

Cease for a moment and think of three ways in which you can interpret the situation positively.

It may take some fourth dimension to condition your encephalon for positivity, just over time you will notice that your boilerplate level of delectation has increased.

Others will observe this change because everyone likes to surround himself with positive people.

>> How to Have a Positive Mindset: 15 Tips to Attract Happiness into Your Life.

Tip #5: Fuck popularity

The want for popularity is a form of laziness.

It'due south true that information technology's easier to run into new people if you're pop. But if you think that both men and women will line upwardly to make your associate, you're more naïve than I idea.

You'll nonetheless have to put free energy into making a proficient first impression.

You must even so take solid flirting skills to seduce women.

And you accept to keep upward this popularity all the fourth dimension.

This costs fourth dimension and energy.

You tin can also utilize this time to spontaneously approach strangers. If you learn how to approach and seduce a beautiful woman…

… and then it's much more efficient than going to as many parties every bit possible to become popular – in the hope that women will then automatically want to be a office of your life.

In improver, people who are constantly worried near their popularity status appear unsympathetic.

And then, you accept a pick:

You waste your time trying to get pop.

Or learn not to give a fuck on the stance of others and to fascinate people without them knowing annihilation about you.

>> Seducing a Woman Over Text – 7 Examples of Building Tension.

Tip #6: Use steroids

If y'all want to become popular, and then you lot can gain a clear advantage in 5 simple steps.

Step i: Get to a fitness junkie where it's questionable whether he has accomplished his effigy naturally.

Pace ii: Ask him where he got his doping.

Footstep 3: Pray to God that he won't drown yous in the gym toilet for this, but instead will give you his contacts.

Pace 4: Club a dose of testosterone from this source that would make even a one-half-dead horse a testify jumping legend.

Step 5: Inject said dose directly into your personality.

Before you actually practice steps 1-4, let me tell you that all this is meant metaphorically. I don't want to get in trouble with the World Anit-Doping Agency because one of my readers couldn't read betwixt the lines…

So, what exactly exercise I hateful by that?

Let's say you're an outsider. And then yous have two choices:

  1. You try your all-time to exist accustomed past the majority.
  2. You say 'Fuck information technology! Then I'm an outsider' and you go all in with your personality.

The latter isn't only more fun, merely too much more effective.

Let me explain it to you lot like this:

You're welcome for half a minute in my fantasy world, in which all people move effectually dancing. And they're fantabulous dancers…

Instead of going to the railroad train/ bus or taxi, they practise a moonwalk, where even Michael Jackson proudly turns over in his grave, and make graceful pirouettes, equally you lot merely know them from ballet dancers.

The problem: You lot march to a different drummer.

Rhythmic feeling is something that God didn't provide you lot with at birth. Damn it, you can't even clap in fourth dimension. You aren't even entrusted with a triangle in music lessons and in sports y'all merely barely manage to become up a D with difficulty…

How should you lot go about this?

Y'all basically have ii options:

  1. You invest all your energy and time in learning to dance.
  2. You're the first on the dance floor, close your optics and unpack the best worst dance moves the world has ever seen.

If yous practice the latter with conviction, you infect others with your 'I don't give a shit' attitude and become a living legend. Check out this video:

If you put your personality on steroids, you become a human magnet. Y'all attract or repel.

I learned that lesson from homosexuals.

In the village where I grew up, there was a young man who was relatively unpopular. He was called a 'pussy' by men and inappreciably respected past women.

Just when he came out, he injected testosterone into his personality and proudly carried his homosexuality.

It wasn't long before he was surrounded past women. They all wanted to be friends with him. With the men it took a little longer, only even they respected him more and more than and invited him to parties more ofttimes.

He'southward a pretty cool fatherfucker today.

>> 7 Ways to Exist More than Masculine: Feel Corking and More than Attractive.

This miracle can also be observed again and again in certain subcultures of rock music.

Call up about punks, goth, metalheads…

They're oft reserved loners, simply and then they start to dress in black and lo and behold… shy becomes mysterious.

Don't hibernate your strangeness, but allow it shine.

Tip #7: Keep an open mind

The fiancée of a good friend (I won't mention whatever names because I know she reads my commodity) is pretty much the least likeable human being being I know.

I'yard not the just i who says that. Near people avoid her. People talk behind her back similar she'southward the latest Hollywood scandal.

I used to feel the need to defend her. I don't do that now. And you know why?

Because she deserved it.

She's the master of mankind's virtually unpleasant ability and she has no problem living it out.

What power am I talking about?


Sentences similar…

  • 'Well, you can't do that!'
  • 'That'southward merely plain rude!'
  • 'I don't know you be similar this…'

…constantly leave her rima oris.

Many people tend to put others in pigeonholes.

A woman who wears a wearing apparel that's as well short is a slut. A human being who likes to tease women is an asshole.

These kinds of judgments are a huge impediment to our goal to make friends.

Suppose you lot let those rash conclusions get past telling yourself:

"I take 2 hours to sympathize the situation of this person."

And then you might find out that the woman in the sexy revealing cocktail wearing apparel is actually a virgin. Or that the asshole has a sensitive side…

Your judgment is based on a lack of empathy.

If you want to meet amazing people, you have to give everyone a chance.

After a while you can yet decide if this person is cool plenty for you.

The same goes for friends.

Let's merely say 1 of your bros has taken a bad plow lately.

Then you tin can either beginning to meet him less or say:

"Ey yo! What about all that negative shit? You used to exist so happy. What happened, bro?"

I tin can't guarantee that he will change his beliefs abruptly but considering y'all pointed information technology out to him, but at least y'all requite him a fair chance.

Yous will find out that ten times out of ten, each person will practice their best if you understand their situation.

>> Keeping Her Interested by Being Interesting – 9 Timeless Tips.

Tip #viii: The other side of the coin

I could give you lot a tip now subsequently nigh being valuable to others and helping old grannies across the street…

… as whatever boilerplate blogger would.

Simply get-go of all, I think this is cocky-evident for someone similar y'all and secondly, at that place is an fifty-fifty more effective way.

Sentinel it.

  • When someone likes you, he/she tells a person about you.
  • When someone loves you, he/she tells two people about y'all.
  • If someone hates yous, he/she tells 10 people virtually you.

I'grand non saying you should intentionally be human garbage and trip up one-time grannies instead…

What I hateful is: Nobody likes perfect people.

In fact, you tin become even more than popular if you have an edgy personality.

Examples of this are movie characters like:

  • Fe Man
  • Rick Sanchez
  • Hank Moody
  • Tyler Durden
  • Charlie Harper

All these characters have i thing in common: They have a potent negative side.

Sometimes they do things you should hate them for; if only you could. In fact, their private flaws make them sympathetic to usa.

How can yous apply this in do?

It's very simple. By…

  • Not constantly trying to be liked by everyone
  • Not to proceed apologizing for your behavior
  • Yous say out loud what you think
  • Even if you have an unpopular opinion
  • By saying 'no' more than often

About people would never cartel to do these things, because they don't want to crusade a stir.

This is exactly the reason why they're boring, spineless and unpopular.

>> ten Tips to Take More than Ups + Less Downs in Your Relationship.

Tip #9: Be a keen conversationalist

I am a big fan of badass preparation.

For most people, information technology'due south very predictable what questions they will ask and what comments they will make.

They ask almost your groundwork, your age, your work…

Not necessarily considering they're interested, but because they don't know what else to talk almost.

But there'south a solution:

Prepare yourself and acquire ready-made sentences by eye.

"Simply, Dan, I want to be myself…"

I empathise your concern, my friend. Many people fearfulness they will appear less accurate if they learn phrases by heart.

Only in my experience, men are much more than relaxed when they're prepared.

One can even claim that simply then can they be themselves. Nervousness leads u.s.a. to act impulsively and say things nosotros don't really mean.

That'southward why I have something for you to become popular:

My Transformation Kit, for gratis.

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As it's with all things in life, you have to footstep into motherfucking action if you want to change something fundamentally.

Because if you don't better, you'll deteriorate.

Hence, my question to y'all: What are you going to do in the side by side 72 hours to become more popular?

Write it in the comments below.

Your brokovski,
Dan de Ram

Finish bad-mannered conversations
and painful rejections

My free Transformation Kit will brand y'all irresistible to women.

  • 12 Opening Lines that Really Work
  • 5 Date Generating Texting Tips (Plus Re-create-Paste Lines for Tinder)
  • The Friendzone Escape-Room Fox

Yes, give me the Transformation Kit!


Source: https://www.attractiongym.com/how-to-become-popular/

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